


News – Maxwell Murray


Yesterday morning I woke up and felt paralyzed.   Something that I learned recently about myself is that I have a bit of an addictive personality. This may sound funny but it came to mind when I discovered the skittles gummies in the bodega down the street. From cookies to weed to bibibop, I have gone down different interesting rabbit holes throughout my life.   My journey building FITS over the last year has been aligned with that. I am not sure if its an addictive thing but it definitely is intense for me at times. I have always wanted to run a company and build something that can change the world. I want it all now to be honest. There are times that I go over the smallest things in my head over and over. It gets to the point where I am up at night thinking about some random bullshit. But it's really not bullshit to me because it's what I like at this point.   Bruh I talk way too much about FITS, just ask my roomates. But it is genuinely because throughout the day that is where my mind wanders to. It doesn't matter if I am in my bedroom, in class, playing madden, or at the bar; sometimes the shit never stops.   It's not all that healthy.   Yesterday, I took a day off. I wanted to remove myself from everything FITS. I sat on the couch and watched first take. Went to the gym with miles. Then, luckily my brother had a state semifinal playoff game that I could look forward to and kill some time.   Seperating myself from my business is hard as fuck. Running a business is hard as fuck. I was going to tweet that yesterday but I didn't want to think about business.   Mental health is something that I don't talk about too much. I think mental health as a startup founder is something that I don't really hear about. I saw the other day some startup is trying to treat mental health like going to the gym.   I was reading the 5am club and the book explains that there are 4 interior empires that everyone must understand. Mindset, Healthset, Heartset and Soulset. Most people are in touch with their mindset which is your psychology and beliefs. Healthset is your physical and mental health. Being stressed, going to the gym, and eating healthy are a few different things that go into your healthset. Heartset is emotionality which is a very interesting thing for me. I am not naturally the most emotional person. I think ever since my last few basketball seasons and relationships back in high school, I haven't really tapped into that. I hope that this blog, my journal, and the feelings in the session podcast can be good outlets to express how I feel about things. Finally, Soulset which is who you sincerely are under the mask of your name or social mask. Journaling is something that I have found amazing. It is a time where I can be real with myself about my thoughts and feelings. As a safe space to truly express who I am.   FITS and the Power Struggle Movement have really given me peace and purpose. I have truly fallen in love with the process. Thinking, whiteboarding, creating, and solving problems feels better than anything. I am thankful to be able to progress my ideas and work on this business with an amazing group of people. However, these creations don't define me and I am going to work on finding other outlets and hobbies to have some more balance in my life.

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News – Maxwell Murray

F*ck Wednesdays

I f*ucking hate Wednesdays.   Freshman year of college was a great time for me. I just moved to New York City and was blessed enough to attend the school of my dreams. Every Sunday I think about the week that lies ahead and I get super motivated to wake up on Monday and go kill.   Often times during different parts of the week I think about the different things that I want to start putting in my life and accomplish. I think to myself, okay on Monday I am going to start going to the gym. I am going to go to class every single day this week and I am going to accomplish x, y, and z. When the alarm goes off on Monday morning I always jump out of bed. For me, it is so easy to wake up on Mondays and go out there and handle business. On Monday's it's easy to go to class, go to the gym, and start checking off the boxes on the to do list in my head.   Tuesday comes around and I am still riding that Monday high. With push day on Mondays, I can go to the gym and do a pull day on Tuesday. I will work on growing my biceps and back which I value because it looks good. I will go to class and maybe even have my most productive day of the week.   Then Wednesday comes around and sh*t hits the fan. I am extremely unproductive on Wednesdays. When Wednesday comes around, I hit the snooze button 5-7 times and straight up can't get out of bed. When Wednesday came around freshman year, I flat out didn't go to class. I didn't go to the gym and hit legs because I hate doing legs. Nobody cares about legs, do I really need to go to the gym to do squats?   Sophomore year I started seeing this pattern in my life where I would go heavy on Monday and Tuesday and just completely burn out on Wednesdays. It was such an easy thing to do for me and even though I always kind of knew, i'd still let Wednesday win every single time.   My battle with Wednesdays is still as prevalent in my life as any time before. I think the main difference though is that I am aware of this consistent issue in my life and am going to war with it. Now I think about Wednesday on Sunday and how I want to go kill that instead of kill on Mondays. I wait around for Monday and Tuesday to come around just so that I can see what I end up doing on Wednesdays.   Today, my alarm went off and I thought to myself "damn it's morning already?". The first thing I did was go to the clock app and gave myself an extra 30 mins of sleep. I laid in bed and though to myself "am I going to let Wednesday beat me again?". No, I woke up and killed Wednesday morning. I went to the gym and had probably the best workout of my entire life. I feel amazing because this I stepped over this huge hurdle that I have been dealing with for the past 2 years. However, that is today and next week or the week after can be completely different. My battle with Wednesday is not won because I woke up today. My battle with Wednesdays is an every single week thing that I have to constantly face and try to beat. I have no clue how war is going to go in the future but the one thing I do know is my number 1 goal for the week is to kill on Wednesdays.

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News – Maxwell Murray

The #1 Problem With The World

I asked Miles the other day "What is the number 1 problem in the world?". He said "Niggas are just too selfish". We began to talk about why that is the case and the different layers of society that lead us to here. Selfishness isn't anything new in society, we have been selfish since the beginning of time. I read something the other day that talked about fear and it said that way back in the day, people had to obviously kill for the food that they ate, while also being constantly worried about getting attacked at all times. Our risk of dying was extremely high and so that fear always protected us. We began to look out for ourselves and treat other things, whether that is animals or other people as potential danger to our safety. Now, we are in a time period that is a lot safer for us, yet we are still trapped in the same mindset as before. We are constantly worried about other people, how we compare to them, how they may perceive us, and that leads us to constantly being stressed and paranoid which I think causes this root of selfishness. People view success of others as a danger to them. They become jealous, start hating, and as a result of that become selfish. What they don't realize is that unlike before, when we had to go kill for our food, we live in a time period that has a plethora of resources. To the point where, your ability to eat has nothing to do with the person to your right or to your left. We live in a time where everybody can eat. Now, I am completely obsessed with competition. There is this quote from Moneyball that had me rolling, it says "I hate to lose more than I like to win". Ever since I could remember, I have been a relentless competitor. I care about every game from Madden to Rivalry basketball games to simply waking up before others to get an edge. I think business is a game and I love the fact that I am new to it and in the trenches with the strongest desire to build the biggest company in the world. However, that success doesn't have to come at the expense of others. The game of life is a game that doesn't have to have winners and losers. We don't need to put other people down, gatekeep the secrets of success, and be selfish in order to win. The best and most inspiring part of life is how far humanity has grown together. How many people it took to build the brooklyn bridge. The years of evolution and numerous inventors that turned weird looking boxes into personal computers into the iphone that we now have in our pocket. We are going through this life shit together and none of us are better than anyone else. We aren't more important than anyone else. We simply just have our own personal legend and role in society that we need to be relentless on reaching. The best part about life is that we all create the future together. We can live in a better future, one where we are all helping each other reach our personal legends. A future where we share the basketball and can be genuinely happy when other people score. Come on guys we can be better than this and it all starts with putting down that shield and providing real value to other people, only then can we create a society that is together and not so damn far apart.

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